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This is a visual CV. In an age of images, it seems absurd to keep our CV merely textual. Moreover, if my own research vindicates materiality and affects, if I try to translate thought into corporeal mediums, capturing this journey through images seems at least adequate.

VISUAL_CV : May_December_2019

May 2019 - Gearad - case studies for research in arts and design - "Moldear la pintura La tactilidad pictórica como evento de contacto en el búcaro de las Meninas de Picasso"

June 2019 - V Congrés català de Filosofia, Canillo, Andorra "La variació com a experimentació: un apropament pragmatista a la creació simbòlica de Picasso"

July 2019 - Around the Rothko Chapel conference at Fondation Les Treilles - "Crafting Grounded Messianic Encounters in History"

October 2019 - curatorship of the exhibition "Colere. Cultura. Cultiu" (Celler Cooperatiu, Rubí) exploring the relationship between art and agriculture.

October 2019 - Conference Art and Society, VI Iberian Encounter of Aesthetics. (Coimbra, Portugal) "The political significance of materials in Cubist facture in Paris between 1914 and 1918"

6-8 November 2019 - Aesthetic experience and the complexity of perception (Murcia, Spain) “Picasso’s Las Meninas: Redefining Goodman’s variations through embodied strategies”

28 November 2019 - Symposium Au rendez-vous des poètes a Catalunya (Picasso Museum, Barcelona, Spain) - "Picasso - Alberti : una amistat poètica" with Margarida Cortadella (MPB)

30 November 2019 - Indisciplines : Conference on Research in Arts Practice (Barcelona, Spain) “Choreographies of Blessed2000: A Creative Process on the Threshold of Performing Arts and Academic Philosophy” with Meritxell Caralt (La Piconera)

Crafting a PhD is not only writing a long paper which will be filed and never read again. It is a chance to contribute to academia with new kinds of research, to create new networks and to participate in processes of transference. I am lucky enough to work with an International, transgenerational, interdisciplinary team of brilliant and generous (mostly) women, with whom I share an ethos of what we are doing. We are creating research based on community, a move towards fault lines that will need to generate and earn its own place in academia. So far, it works. A

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