Care is an action, not a feeling
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility in the Arts Advocate
PHD cum laude Citizenship and Human Rights UB.
BA Philosophy at UAB. MA Philosophy at UCL.
ZURCIR Lab and Woman in Pragmatism
“Let woman's claim be as broad in the concrete as the abstract. We take our stand on the solidarity of humanity, the oneness of life, and the unnaturalness and injustice of all special favoritism, whether of sex, race, country, or condition. If one link of the chain is broken, the chain is broken...
We want an entrance not through a gateway for ourselves, our race, our sex, or our sect, but a grand highway for humanity.”
― Anna Julia Cooper, A Voice from the South
current research projects.
Pain Pals
Pain Pals Character Creator,” will develop a video game character creator where those with pain conditions can identify themselves and their experiences in a non-medicalizing setting
Role: Research Assistant. TEAM: Carmen Papalia (Principal Investigator), Arianna Schmulbach (Project Manager), Oliver Puffer (software developer) and Raven John (character design and concept art)
currently funded by Creative BC
in collaboration with RadMad Disability Lab of UC Berkeley
Beyond the Visual
Beyond the visual aims to investigate how the shift in aesthetic engagement afforded by hybrid forms of contemporary art (such as installation art) potentially opens up new multi-sensory possibilities for engaging a blind and partially sighted audience, while enhancing the experience of a sighted audience.
Role: Researcher and invited speaker. TEAM INCLUDES: Ken Wilder (Principal Investigator, University of the Arts London), Aaron McPeake (Co-Investigator, UAL), Jo Bannon, Jos Boys, Amanda Cachia, Fiona Candlin, Polly Dalton, Fayen d’Evie, Simon Hayhoe, Rachel Hutchinson, David Johnson, Maria Kapsali, Georgina Kleege, Carmen Papalia, Hannah Thompson, Simon Ungar, Collin van Uchelen, among others.
Tate Modern, 15-16 February 2022
Henry Moore Institute, 18 May 2022
Symposium at the Wellcome Collection, 21-22 October 2022. FREE ADMISSION BOOKING
UAL research project funded by AHRC (UKRI)
The MAP chapter of UAB was founded on February 2020, and soon began its constant collaboration with the Instituto Otavaleño de Antropología, located in Ecuador, and its director Diego Rodríguez. The first seminar we organized, Decolonialism and Philosophy from which I attach also the interactive map with its authors and members made by Laura Meneses. The whole philosophy of education behind MAP UAB - IOA was addressed in the Zoom MAP INTL. workshop on crafting a space for transnational student-centered pedagogy.
The reading groups conducted during 2020 and 2021 led to the establishment of the working group Zurcir whose research works on the construction of performative cultural identities. We have published a collectively authored paper, "Border wounds: A critical review of identity from interstitiality" in the journal Sarance, and presented the first case studies of this framework at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona (MACBA). Our lines of research will be further developed and published in the upcoming special issue of IOA's journal Sarance: "Delusions of Race and Everydayness Memory, Reconciliation, Bodies and Violence in Daily Life"
Role: Founding Member
TEAM INCLUDES: Dr. Diego Rodríguez Estrada (IOA), Laura Meneses (freelance researcher), Marc Mariner Cortés (Oxford)
currently supported by Instituto Otavaleño de Antropología
brand partnerships.
Exbecaria Fundació
La Caixa
proyectos de educación
8 Best New Pragmatism Books To Read In 2023: The volume edited by Núria Sara Miras and Michela Bella listed as number 5! As featured on CNN, Forbes and Inc – BookAuthority identifies and rates the best books in the world, based on recommendations by thought leaders and experts.
—8 Best New Pragmatism Books To Read In 2023,
PER Book Authority
El Museu Tàrrega Urgell va acollir dissabte la jornada Viure la Mort en el marc del nou programa Museu i Cura, que neix d’una preocupació per la cura i les relacions entre les persones. Segons Àger Pérez Casanovas, qui va impulsar l’acte, "la interdependència ens inclou a tots i totes. Avui més que mai, és nostra també la responsabilitat de decidir qui compta i qui no, quines morts es vetllen, quines persones reben refugi i quines són implícititament condemnades a la mort.” La jornada estava organitzada en col·laboració amb el Servei de Suport al Dol de Ponent i Associació Alzheimer Tàrrega.
"Àger Pérez Casanovas y Meritxell Caralt, en los 10 primeros minutos de su presentación, han creado uno de los momentos más fascinantes (en mi opinión y en la de otras personas) de todo el congreso, y lo han hecho SIN imágenes, poniendo una base musical en directo a un posicionamiento filosófico que, presentado de esa manera, se convertía en algo totalmente diferente de lo que habría sido si sólo hubiéramos escuchado una voz."
— Congreso “Indisciplines” 2019: unas reflexiones en caliente PER LUCA CHIANTORE
"Que dire, enfin, de mes trois plus proches collaboratrices, Elsa Rigaux, Anne Gagnant de Wech et Àger Pérez Casanovas ? Ager a apporté sa formation philosophique hispano-britannique et son étonnante maturité de jeune chercheuse à une oeuvre qu'elle connaissait déja fort bien par ailleurs, pour faire des propositions toujours judicieuses, pointues et fécondes, comme sur la fonction de la sculpture L'Homme au mouton dans l'oeuvre de Picasso"
— Un étranger nommé Picasso, ANNIE COHEN-SOLAL, ed. Fayard. Prix Femina Essai 2021